PANat lectures in english are currently held in Great Britain, Switzerland, Germany and Belgium.

For more information get in touch with us or visit

1. PANat Courses

  • 3 days - 27 hours
  • Familiarization with all types of PANat splints and the possibilities of their use for specific diagnoses and pathological motor functions.
  • Practical acquisition of the principles of PANat exercises.
  • Creative and individual creation of exercises.
  • Exercises in open and closed functional chain, bimanual training with splints, walking training, effective elimination of neglect syndrome.
  • Additional tools and skills

PANat Course

30.11. - 2.12. 2022

2. Air Splint Presentations

  • approx. 3 hours
  • The use of splints in medical facilities
  • Choose topic according to your needs:
  1. Rehabilitation with splints
  2. Effective positioning with splints
  3. Splints in rehabilitation with children
  4. Splints for elderly patients
  • We make presentations at your place, all over the Czech Republic

Call us for more information: +420 724 55 44 24

Spirála center Graduates:

  • 360 PANat therapists
  • 950 synergistic reflex therapists (SRT)
  • 65 medical facilities - see PANat therapists
  • Courses in the Czech Republic - Austria - Hungary - Slovakia

Since 2012, the Spirála Center has been a member of the international group of PANat Lecturers

  • PANat lecturers train dozens of therapists in Britain, Belgium, Portugal, Switzerland and Germany every year